Long stay


Discover the charm of Hotel Villa Walbaum and the Ardèche,

for a stay of 3 nights or more, at a preferential rate.

A partir de 438.60 € pour 2 personnes pour 3 nuits.

Hôtel Villa Walbaum

Come and discover Villa Walbaum, our former Tuscan-style family home turned

hotel, and enjoy an enchanting stay in the heart of the vineyards to discover our

wine tourism activities at Domaine Walbaum, and the natural and cultural treasures of the Ardèche.

A partir de 438,60for 2 people for 3 nights.


Book online

Offre valable pour une réservation de trois nuits ou plus, du 2/04/2024 au 26/04/2024.  Sous réserve de disponibilité.
Non-cumulative, non-cancellable, non-refundable offer.